Elisabetta Pisano
Communication and Social Media Manager
Elisabetta Pisano graduated in Communication Science in 2016 at the University of Pisa and she began her experience at Cnr (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche), by working in the Communication Office of the Institute of Clinical Physiololgy as a consultant. She worked with a lot of research groups with the aim of communicate their scientific activities.
Later, she started to collaborate as a freelance, with other companies specialized in Technologies and Research and Development. She started to wrote contents for the siteweb, improving visibility and implementing social media strategies.
Today, she supports RaSS (Radar and Surveillance Systems) National Laboratory of the National Interuniversity Consortium for Telecommunications (CNIT) in Pisa, in the impleamentation of a solid Communication System with the aim of obtaining visibility online and offline and promoting its activities.